Smart Home HVAC

Ohio Home Automation Services


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Ohio Smart Home Heating and Cooling


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Save Money

Inevitably, the cost of natural resources will continue to rise. Regulations will be put in place to protect the American economy as the weight of depleted fossil fuel reserves will lean ever heavier upon the world. Most specifically, your energy bill will go up. So, how do you get ahead of the price hike? Install a smart HVAC system!

  • Lower Your Utilities – Saving money will never go out of style. Watch your bills drop. Be happy.
  • Intuitive Interface – Forget reading the manual. Savant’s UI is easy to navigate and immediately comprehensible.
  • Zone Control – Perfect for seldom used rooms and/or larger homes.

Clean & Green

Here’s an interesting statistic regarding the current state of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) in our country today; Approximately half of all energy expenditure within the average American home is spent heating and cooling its various rooms. Here’s another one. In 2008, the United States consumed over 99 quadrillion, or, 99,000,000,000,000,000 BTU. Placing us second in world energy consumption behind China. Even more amazingly, over half of the 99 quadrillion (57 quadrillion to be exact) was classified as “unused”. Chances are, that’s more than what you thought it would be.

At Whitman Automation, we have developed HVAC solutions for homes ranging anywhere from 4,000 to 40,000 sq. ft in size. We can unequivocally say that the installation of a smart thermostat, in conjunction with parallel technologies found in smart homes, will have a marked impact. Reduce your monthly energy expenditure, save some money, and feel good about doing it.

Enjoy Smarter Living

There’s never been a better time to adopt a modern lifestyle and all the amenities it affords. Your home (and its inhabitants) will thank you.