Small Business Installations
Just like its close relative, home automation, commercial automation solutions offer a fiscally impactful range of perks to companies of all sizes. Below you will find three benefits of...
Just like its close relative, home automation, commercial automation solutions offer a fiscally impactful range of perks to companies of all sizes. Below you will find three benefits of...
Yes, I’m sure you guessed it after reading the title… we’re JBL Synthesis Certified! Great work everybody. Let’s wrap this up and go home, right? Don’t go just yet! It'd be easy to misconstrue...
We are very proud to announce a recent pair of certifications for the business. Whitman Automation is now Home Technology Association (HTA) Certified, and a Savant Ambassador!
What could be better than having a theater quality experience without leaving the house? Few things, as it turns out. We’ve seen the evidence first-hand and can confirm such a statement...
Year over year, smart homes quietly accumulate measurable savings without any need of owner input. But how? In this instance, it's a cumulative effect. Like a snowball rolling downhill. But this is...